Some Women Put Cabbage Leaves On Their Breasts The Reason Behind This Will Amaze You

Quite often women use cabbage leaves for breast treatment. It lowers pain and breast inflammation and all discomforts on breast engorgement, which overabundant supply of breast milk can cause. Find out how it acts and the method of using cabbage leaves on the breast.
Does Placing Cabbage Leaf on The Breast Works?

Many breastfeeding moms believe that placing cabbage leaves on the breasts is helpful. There is no research performed in this matter, but the cabbage leaf truly helps in decreasing the swelling and pain, or if the inflammation drops significantly because the cabbage acts like a cold compress. Anyway, the practice shows that if you are breastfeeding and you place the cold cabbage leaves on the breasts, it’s will not only sooth, but it can also help lower your breast swelling and pain.

How to Use Cabbage Leaves To Lower Swelling And Pain

We have learned that cold cabbage leaves are soothing. Now here’s how to place and use cabbage leaves to relieve swelling and pain when the breasts are sore from engorgement process.

  1. First, before you place cabbage leaves for breasts, you need to make them cold. Just, place whole cabbage in the refrigerator. You can choose between green or red cabbage, but aware that red cabbage leaves stains or discolouration after nursing bra.
  2. Next, remove the outer layer of the cabbage, and throw it away. Then, pull two leaves.
  3. Wash the two leaves to be sure that they are clean of pesticides and residue.
  4. Remove extra water from the leaves with a clean towel.
  5. Next, cut out the stem from the middle of each leaf. The stem is now removed, now cut the slit, the leaf will be able to fit over the breasts without closing the nipple.
  6. Place the cold cabbage and wrap each leaf around the breast.
  7. You can wear a bra or just hold the cabbage leaf on the breast the same way you would hold a cold compress.
  8. Let it do the work for approximate 20 minutes or until they warm.
  9. Remove and throw away the warm leaves
  10. Repeat the process until you feel better and get some relief.

Some Women Put Cabbage Leaves On Their Breasts The Reason Behind This Will Amaze You Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: steevany elsi